Just a story: On the the twenty-seventh day of the second month the earth was completely dry, and Noah lead the way out of the ark. The animals followed him as though they knew him personally and I was not longer afraid of the mouths of the lions or the great tusks of the elephants. […]

I feel like when I used to write in this site, I was someone of a wizard. I wanted to make all the worlds problems come to an end with the brush of a wand. I talked particularly fondly of an author named Rob Bell. Now I think reading Rob Bells book was the worst […]

I was thinking about the fact that so many atheists claim to not believe in God because of the problem of evil in the world. They claim there is so much evil in the world, there cannot possibly be a God. Thus we’re just left with an evil world and no God. What does it […]

I may restart my entries here at this site. Some of my opinions have changed since I last used to blog. I have repentented and taken on a more traditional Christian stance as to everlasting punishment. The reason was my need for deliverance. As for everlasting punishment, the demons deserve it! However, I like the […]

I first prayed “the sinner’s prayer” in February of 2000. Well, I had prayed it one other time to make someone happy, but this time I really meant it. I was desperately mentally ill. I said to Jesus that I thought he was crazy, but I was the crazy one. I asked him into my […]

I have neglected to study the old testament, which may have given me a better understanding to begin with then the new. Or maybe not. Maybe God new what he was doing in the order I seem to be going through the scriptures. In any case, for reasons which are a story in themselves which […]

I’m deleting most of my posts as my opinion has changed, but I believe this to be the worst I’ve posted in the past. I said something like “I don’t believe Christ to be my personal Lord and Savior, but the Lord and Savior of the world.” I was just shocked to read this. Christ […]