
I first prayed “the sinner’s prayer” in February of 2000. Well, I had prayed it one other time to make someone happy, but this time I really meant it. I was desperately mentally ill. I said to Jesus that I thought he was crazy, but I was the crazy one. I asked him into my heart and my life.

In Paul Young’s book, The Lies We believe about God, he talks as though this is not something we need to do. But it made a huge difference in my life. It was the beginning of my relationship with Jesus after being away since I was a child. I felt his presence again for the first time.

Jesus did die for everyone. If he died for us, how can we not respond to him? He is calling everyone and is so good! I don’t know what I’d do without His presence. It reassures me that everything is going to be alright.

I’m still an evangelist. I believe God is good enough to save everybody who wants him. He is good news!  He died for every wrong we ever did! His name should be lifted up high as our eternal salvation! I like to call him Yeshua, since that’s what his name was in Hebrew. He has many names, Immanuel – God with Us, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, etc. And, of course, Jesus.

2 thoughts on “Prayer

    1. I agree. That’s really helpful. “Live out”. It is not a puzzle, although I do think it’s a mystery. And a good one. But salvation just comes from acceptance of Christ. That is the good news!

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About Nicole

I'm a computer programmer, and I enjoy dancing and writing.